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MOOD: Unplugged

Chaplain B.Leah

This is your invitation to self-care. While there is so much happening in your life right now, there is always time to be still. Quizzes to study for, dishes to wash, little brothers and sisters to babysit, a friend going through a rough time, a part time job, your friends to hang out with, college applications to complete, call of Duty or Among Us to play, music to download, scrolling, being on time for class blah, blah, blah…

To be honest you can handle it all but you weren’t meant to. God didn’t create you to handle it ALL. You were created to connect with others & unplug from everything to collect yourself and reconnect with God. It’s not easy to do but you’re capable! You deserve a break. You are worth a chance to unplug from everything that keeps you away from developing a meaningful relationship with God and with self. The dope part is, you don’t have to wait until the Sabbath to take a moment for you and for God. Jesus said come to me with your fears, pressures, doubt, hopelessness, and stress and i’ll give you light & ease! (paraphrase of Matthew 11:28)

Your soul needs you to pause & listen to what’s happening inside of you. Your grades need you to disconnect. Your family needs you to disconnect in order to spend quality time with them. But most of all God is inviting you to reconnect with The Source so you can be strong, balanced, experience joy, feel God’s love, and then share that with others. God is The Source, nothing and no one else can do what God freely desires to give to you. Take a risk and unplug. 

Here’s 3 simple steps you can try during this week to unplug & reconnect:

  1. Set an alarm to unplug from the world, start small with 5 minutes and work your way up to an hour a day. Before you do, let your parents/guardians know so they aren’t concerned because they can’t reach you. 

  2. When you unplug ask God to recenter, refresh, and rejuvenate you.

  3. After you unplug set a time to do it again.

May God bless you, empower you, pour out perfect love and keep you! 

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